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  • The curriculum is from “I Love Jesus Chinese School"  (simplified Chinese characters) .

  • 以“我爱耶稣中文学校“的中文教材(简体字)为中文课程的教材。

  • For students in kindergarten through 10th grade。

  • 面向幼稚园到八年级的学生。

  • There are currently two classes: Kindergarten Class and Junior Class.

  • 目前设有“幼童班”和“初小班”两个班。 

  • The Kindergarten Class plans to enroll 10 students, and the Junior Class plans to enroll 12 students.

  • “幼童班”计划招生10人,“初小班”计划招生12人。

Instructions of Enrollment

  • 本中文课程目前免課程費。報名費50元,在學年結束後退還,如學生無辜缺席三次以上則不予退還。

  • The tuition of the Chinese Program is currently free . The registration fee of $50 will be refunded after the end of the school year. If the student is absent for more than three times without permission, it will not be refunded.

  • 本中文课程的教材以基督教信仰为基础写成,家长/监护人必须同意学生在中文课程中学习基督教信仰的相关内容。家长/监护人亦须同意學生守則等課程相關信息內容。

  • The teaching material of this Chinese Program is written based on Christian faith. Parents/guardians must agree that students will learn the content of Christian faith in this Chinese Program. Parents/guardians must also agree on the Program Information such as the Rules for Students.

  • 非惠顿华人宣道会会友之家长/监护人,需同意「惠顿华人宣道会中文课程免责声明」。

  • Parents/Guardians who are not WCAC members must agree to the Chinese Program Security and Safety Disclaimer.

  • 本中文课程目前只接受於九月就读于幼儿园至八年级的学生报名。所有學生必須通過基本的中文評估測試方可入讀。

  • Only students entering Kindergarten — 8th Grade are eligible to register. All students must pass a basic Chinese language assessment test before being admitted to the program.

  • 本中文课程需要家长每学年至少付出8小时以上的服务时间,主要负责课堂助教、值班、组织活动等工作。服务时间表由行政委员预先安排,家长有两个星期的时间做出调整。

  • Parents are required to devote at least 8 hours of service every school year, mainly responsible for classroom teaching assistants, duty, organizing activities, etc. The service schedule is arranged in advance by the administrative committee, and parents have two weeks to make adjustments.

  • 如有需要,注册组会安排老师与学生及其家长/监护人面谈。

  • The registration team will arrange for teacher interviews with students and their parents/guardians if required.

  • 并非所有申请都获接纳。中文課程委員會有權根據學生的語言水平和行為成熟度決定是否接納申請,注册组会以口头和书面通知家长/监护人。家长/监护人同意完全尊重中文課程委員會的最終決定。也歡迎家长/监护人在來年繼續申請。

  • Not all eligible applicants will be admitted. The program administration reserves the right to determine whether the student is ready to participate in the program in the current year based on his/her Chinese language background and behavioral maturity. The registration team will inform parents/guardians verbally and in writing. By submitting this application, parents/guardians agree to fully accept the program administration’s decision as final. Parents/Guardians are welcome to apply for their children again in the following year.


Chinese Program Information for Parents/Guardians

  • 惠顿华人宣道会“我爱耶稣中文课程”是以基督教信仰为根基的中文课程。

Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church I Love Jesus Chinese Program is a Chinese course based on Christian faith. 


  • 每学年的上课日期、时间表都详细列明在学生手册内、家长/监护人可参照手册内的学年行事历和上课时间表。

Each school year, we will post the list of Saturdays that classes meet, as well as the class schedules, in the Student Handbook. Parents/Guardians should consult the events calendar and the class schedules in the Student Handbook for relevant information.  


  • 请家长/监护人按时接送你的孩子来上课或回家,并提示或帮助你的孩子预备带附有他/她名字的书包、书本、作业、上课所需用品以及学生手册。

Parents/Guardians should drop off and pick up students on time, and remind or help students to get ready their schoolbags bearing their names, books, homework assignments, things they need for classes and the Student Handbook.


  • 所有的学生须于上课天下午一时二十五分或之前到达多功能厅(GYM)集合,不能擅自进课室,等候老师带领一同进入课室上课。课堂结束以后,请家长在3:00-3: 10分之间到教室接孩子。接送孩子都需要签名。

All students must arrive at the assembly room (GYM) on or before 1:25pm on the days that classes meet. No student is permitted to enter the classroom by himself/herself. All students must be led by the teachers to their respective classrooms.  After class over, parents are asked to pick up their children in the classroom between 3:00-3:10. A signature is required to pick up and drop off children.


  • 督促或协助學生按时完成每周的家课,如有问题请与该子的老师及时联络。Please supervise and help your child to finish his/her homework assignments on time each week. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact his/her teacher in a timely manner.



  • 学生上课其间不得使用手提电话,电子游戏机等,请妥善安放好以上所提示的物品,直至当日的上课时间结束。

Students are not permitted to use cell phones or other electronic devices in class. All electronic devices need to be put away until classes are over. 


  • 如果你的孩子需要请假, 请事先或事后在学生手册的“告假通知”内填冩缺席原因,并通知当值负责人或老师。

If your child needs to take leave, please jot down the reasons for leave/absence in the Student Handbook “Leave/Absence Notes” section before or after the incident. Please also notify the supervisor on duty that day or his/her teacher. 


  • 任何人不得携带枪枝,攻击性武器,色情或有害物品来上课。

Do not bring guns or firearms or pornographic materials or other harmful objects.


  • 若学生因不恰当的行为,经多次劝告,仍不断重犯,不肯改正,老师会转介至主任,如果其不恰当的行为仍没有改善,主任会要求家长把孩子带走。若情况日渐严重,我们会考虑停止学生的学习。

If a student misbehaves in class and refuses to change after repeated warnings, he/she will be referred to the Director by his/her teacher. If he/she continues to misbehave, the Director will call his/her parent/guardian to pick up the student. If the situation worsens, we may have to consider discontinuing his/her study at Chinese Program.   


  • 提示你的孩子遵守规则和遵从老师的教导。为了学生能够在一个安全,健康,快乐的环境中学习和成长, 希望每一个家长能够积极配合我们的按排与规则。  

Please instruct child to obey rules and listen to the teachers. To ensure that our students have a safe, healthy and pleasant environment to learn and grow, we sincerely hope that parents/guardians would actively cooperate with the arrangements and rules set by us.


  • 本中文课程需要家长每学年至少付出8小时以上的服务时间,主要负责课堂助教(包括协助老师维持课堂纪律、辅导学生课堂活动、修改作业等)、值班、组织活动等工作。服务时间表由行政委员预先安排,家长有两个星期的时间做出调整。

Parents are required to devote at least 8 hours of service every school year, mainly responsible for classroom teaching assistants(including assisting teachers to maintain classroom discipline, tutoring students in classroom activities, correcting homework, etc.), duty, organizing activities, etc. The service schedule is arranged in advance by the administrative committee, and parents have two weeks to make adjustments.


  • 敬请留意接收我们的电子邮件和信息。若因特别事故停止上课,会借网页、电邮、电话或信息即时知会家长/监护人/学生。

Please be on the lookout for emails and message notifications from us.

If classes are cancelled due to special circumstances, we will notify parents/guardians/students through our website, email, telephone or message.

Chinese Program Rules for Students

  • 每周准时来上课,必须携带附有自己名字牌的书包、书本、作业、上课所需用品以及学生手册。

Students should attend classes on time every week and bring their schoolbags bearing their names, books, homework assignments, things they need for classes and the Student Handbook.


  • 学生须于上课天下午一时二十五分或之前到达GYM集合,不能擅自进课室,等候老师带领一同进入课室上课。

Students must arrive at the assembly room (GYM) on or before 1:25pm on the days that classes meet. No student is permitted to enter the classroom by himself/herself. All students must be led by the teachers to their respective classrooms. 


  • 生病或因事不能来上课,尽可能预先通知当值负责人或老师,事后请家长/监护人在学生手册的“告假通知”内填冩缺席原因。

If a student is sick or is absent for any other reasons, to the extent possible, his/her parent/guardian should notify the supervisor on duty that day or his/her teacher beforehand. Afterwards, the parent/guardian should jot down the reason for absence in the Student Handbook “Absence Notes” section. 


  • 穿着清洁整齐衣服,勿穿着沙滩拖鞋、低胸或暴露的衣服上课。

Please dress appropriately in clean, tidy clothes to class. Do not wear beach sandals, lowcut or revealing garments. 


  • 尊敬老师、长辈和同学。聼从老师指导,遵守课堂规则。

Respect your teachers, elders and classmates. Listen to instructions from your teachers and obey classroom rules.


  • 在上课其间,不可在课室内和公众地方大声喧哗嘈杂,以免影响他人。

During class time, do not talk loudly in class or in public areas so as not to disturb others.


  • 不得用口或身体语言辱骂同学或任何人, 更不得用物品攻击任何人。

Do not assault your classmates or others verbally or offend them with body language. Never use any objects to attack anyone.


  • 严禁在上课其间使用手提电话,要将其処在关闭状态并放在书包里。未得上课老师许可,不可在课堂内使用电子产品。

Use of cell phones in class is strictly prohibited. Students must turn off their cell phones and keep them in their schoolbags until classes are over. Without their teachers’ permission, students are not allowed to use electronics in class.  


  • 善用所有物品,爱护公物。不随意涂污台凳和墙壁,不随地吐口水和掉弃垃圾。

Please use equipment gently and respect public property. Do not scribble on desks, chairs or walls. Do not spit on the floor or litter. 


  • 不可以携带枪支、利器、攻击性武器、色情刊物和有害物品。

Do not bring guns, sharp objects, firearms, pornographic materials or other harmful objects.


  • 若因不恰当的行为,经多次劝告仍不断重犯,不肯改正,老师会转介至主任,如果不恰当的行为仍没有改善,主任会要求家长把孩子带走。若情况日渐严重,我们会考虑停止学生来学习。

If a student misbehaves in class and refuses to change after repeated warnings, he/she will be referred to the Director by his/her teacher. If he/she continues to misbehave, the Director will call the student’s parent/guardian to pick him/her up. If the situation worsens, we may have to consider discontinuing his/her study at Chinese Program.   


  • 若要提前离开,须要征得老师或主任的同意,由家长/监护人陪同,方能离去。

If a student needs to leave early, he/she must get approval from his/her teacher and the Director and must leave with his/her parent/guardian.


  • 除获得老师指示外,学生不得擅自离开学习或活动的范围。

During class, no student is allowed to leave the classroom unless he/she is instructed by the teacher to do so. 


  • 不得在课堂内做任何与教学目标不同的活勋。

Any activity that is inconsistent with the educational goals of Chinese Program is not permitted on the premises.


  • 课堂全部结束后,请留在教室内,等候家长来接。

After the class is over, please stay in the classroom and wait for parents to pick you up.


Chinese Program Information for Teachers

  1. 惠顿华人宣道会中文课程的老师需要具备以下条件:

  2. 愿意委身事奉的基督徒

  3. 热爱教导

  4. 可以长期参与教学活动

  5. 具有团队合作精神

  6. 具有大专以上中文水平和英文沟通能力

Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church Chinese ProgramTeachers need to meet the following qualifications:

1) Christians who are willing to commit themselves to serving

2) Passion for teaching

3) Able to commit to long-term teaching activities

4) Good at working with others

5) College degree or above in Chinese and basic English communication skills


  1. 惠顿华人宣道会中文课程的老师均为志愿者,不获取任何薪资,根据教会之相关规定,老师须提供无犯罪记录证明等相关文件。

Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church Chinese Program Teachers are all volunteers and do not receive any salary. According to the relevant regulations of the church, teachers must provide relevant documents such as Police Check.


  1. 须遵守中文课程各项规章制度,参加相关会议。

Teachers must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Chinese Program and participate in relevant meetings.


  1. 须提前十分钟(1:20)至GYM等候并带领学生进入课堂。须准时上、下课,有需要课前预备的材料需提前做好准备。

Teachers should arrive ten minutes early (1:20) at the gym and lead the students into the classroom. Classes must start and finish on time, and teachers need prepare any necessary materials in advance.


  1. 须与家长沟通教学内容,对于需要家长签名的通知和家庭作业等,需及时检查。

It is necessary to communicate with parents regarding the teaching content. For notices and homework that require parental signatures, they should be promptly checked.


  1. 及时填写学生出勤记录,并于每月底上交教学委员。

Teachers should maintain attendance records for students and submit them to the teaching committee member at the end of each month.


  1. 须提前安排教学大纲及教学计划,并告知学生和家长上课规则、学习计划和学生成绩考核方式(A+  = 100- 98,    A = 97-93,    A-  = 92-90,    B+  = 89-85,    B = 84-83, B-  = 82-80, C+  = 79-75,C  = 74 or below)。安排期中、期末考试时间及试题,每学期末发给成绩通知单。

Teachers must prepare teaching outlines and plans in advance and inform students and parents of class rules, study plans, and the grading system (A+ = 100-98, A = 97-93, A- = 92-90, B+ = 89-85, B = 84-83, B- = 82-80, C+ = 79-75, C = 74 or below). Midterm and final exam times and questions should also be arranged, and grade reports should be given at the end of each semester.


  1. 若有要事需要请假,必须于两星期前通知教学委员,以便安排代课。每学期不得请假超过三次(病假除外)。病假亦应尽早通知教学委员。

If there is a need for leave due to important matters, teachers must notify the teaching committee member two weeks in advance to arrange for a substitute. Teachers are not allowed to take more than three leaves per semester, excluding sick leave. Sick leave should also be communicated to the teaching committee member as soon as possible.


  1. 维持教室整洁,维护学生安全,指导学生遵守相关规定,禁止学生涂写桌面或墙壁, 或用任何非白板笔之色笔涂写白板。


Maintain classroom cleanliness, ensure student safety, guide students to follow relevant regulations, and prohibit students from writing on desks or walls or using non-whiteboard markers on whiteboards.


  1. 上课时有任何特殊或紧急状况发生,要保持冷静并立刻报告值日人员;如需要及时撤离教室,请带领按照指定逃生路线逃离。

In case of any special or emergency situations during class, maintain composure and immediately report to the assigned duty personnel. If an immediate evacuation of the classroom is required, please lead everyone to evacuate following the designated escape route.

Program Calendar


开学典礼: 2024年9月29日:

Opening Ceremony: September 29, 2024


學年开始: 2024年10月6日

First day of Program: October 6, 2024


学年结束: 2025年5月25日

Last day of Program: June 1, 2025

Program Calendar



Opening Ceremony


First semester start


Second semester start


Last day of Program


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